Learning Outcomes

Urban and Regional Planning study program formulates a specific goal that becomes the focus of scientific development in its field, which is known as the Program Educational Objective (PEO). PEO is formulated not only referring to the vision and mission of Institut Teknologi Kalimantan but also considering input from stakeholders in the scientific and professional fields and analysis of the profile of graduates of the study program, the results of the tracer study. Stakeholders involved in setting the objectives of the study program include academics, graduate users, alumni, professionals, scientific associations, government, and others. The results of the formulation of the goals are:

  1. Graduates are able to organize and communicate information on the characteristics of dynamic geospatial phenomena based on information technology;
  2. Graduates are able to carry out critical thinking processes to support decision making in spatial challenges and issues;
  3. Graduates are able to take a collaborative approach with stakeholders and involve the community to provide unique solutions for spatial planning practices;
  4. Graduates are able to master and apply the entire spatial planning process for sustainable development; and
  5. Graduates are able to behave professionally and be open as a lifelong learning effort in responding to global changes in the field of spatial planning.

The determination of learning outcomes takes into account the changing paradigm of employment due to advances in science and technology, very dynamic industrial growth, the need for national development that is based on advances in science and technology, social and humanity, as well as the vision and mission of a university.


An ability to communicate effectively in oral and written manners with a range of audiences


An ability to identify, formulate, analyze, solve complex problems, and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of the solutions within realistic constraints in such aspects as law, economic, environment, social, politics, health and safety, sustainability as well as to utilize information technology and the potential of national resources with global perspective.


An ability to collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural team whose members together provide leadership to achieve the objectives


An ability to apply Pancasila values, ethical and professional responsibilities.


An ability to perform life-long learning and apply new knowledge as needed using appropriate learning strategies.


An ability to identify, apply, and formulate the concepts in urban and regional planning in the aspects of space, land, infrastructure, socio-demography, economy, transportation, and environment.


An ability to identify and apply the principles and processes of urban and regional planning in the context of cities, regions, and thematic.


An ability to apply analysis methods based on science and technology, spatial and non-spatial planning methods in decision-making, spatial and sectoral planning formulation techniques by utilizing information and communication technology.


An ability to demonstrate norms and values in urban and regional planning.


An ability to analyze spatial and non-spatial potential and problems in urban and regional planning by applying big data management.


An ability to formulate instruments of utilization and control of planning results.


An ability to document and communicate the process and results of urban and regional planning to stakeholders.