Lecturers and staff information
Human Resources TheUrban and Regional Planning Study Program is composed of lecturers and education staff.
Nama Lengkap | NIP/NIPH | |
Maryo Inri Pratama, S.T., M.T. | 199603102022031012 | maryo.inri@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Dr. Eng. Arief Hidayat | 198708272022031005 | arief.hidayat@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Almah, S.M. | 100222163 | almah@staff.itk.ac.id |
Dwinsani Pratiwi Astha, S.T., M.T. | 198911082015042002 | dwinsani.pratiwi@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Diah Mahmudah, S.Kom | 100320082 | diah.mmdh@staff.itk.ac.id |
Elin Diyah Syafitri, S.T., M.Sc. | 199111262022032011 | elindiyahs@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Umar Mustofa, M.Sc. | 198802032019031009 | umar.mustofa@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Ir. Rahmat Aris Pratomo, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., IPM. | 198607052019031016 | r.a.pratomo@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Mohtana Kharisma Kadri, S.T., M.Eng. | 198903262019031013 | mohtana.kharisma@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Devi Triwidya Sitaresmi, S.T., M.T. | 199309252019032024 | dsitaresmi@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Rizky Arif Nugroho, S.T., M.T. | 198912012018031001 | arif.rizky@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Mega Ulimaz, S.T., M.T. | 100116084 | megaulimaz@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Dwiana Novianti Tufail, S.T., M.T. | 198911282022032011 | dwianatufail@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Ariyaningsih., S.T., M.T., M.Sc. | 198910192019032014 | ariyaningsih@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Ajeng Nugrahaning Dewanti, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. | 199006022015042003 | ajengnd@lecturer.itk.ac.id |
Achmad Ghozali, S.T., M.T. | 199105132018031001 | ghozali@lecturer.itk.ac.id |