Study program

Urban and Regional Planning

According to Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Planning is a systematic, creative way to influence the future of neighborhoods, cities, rural and metropolitan areas, and even the country and the world. Urban and regional planners use their professional skills to serve communities facing social, economic, environmental, and cultural challenges by helping community residents. The name of degree program reflects the study program naming standard, Indonesian Planning School Association, and learning outcomes; planning terminology based on ACSP, and Keputusan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor 57/M/KPT/2019 Tentang Nama Program Studi pada Perguruan Tinggi. The main course language in The Undergraduate Degree of Urban and Regional Planning ITK is Indonesian Language, but some guest lecturer and elective courses can deliver in English. The Undergraduate Degree of Urban and Regional Planning ITK graduates will be awarded by the tittle Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (B. URP) or in Indonesia called as Sarjana Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (S. PWK).

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Area of interest

focus of knowledge aimed at students of the Urban and Regional Planning study program

Transportation Management

A concept of urban transportation planning and policy that aims to increase the efficiency and optimization of existing transportation systems and networks with a short and medium term orientation at a relatively low cost

City Infrastructure Management

A concept of urban infrastructure planning and policy aimed at enhancing the efficiency and optimization of existing urban service systems with a long-term orientation.

Environmental and Coastal Management

The process of utilizing coastal and marine resources as well as space by taking into account the aspects of conservation and sustainability. The context of integration includes the dimensions of the ecological sector, the hierarch..

Urban Space Design

Directions for spatial structures and spatial patterns that are cross-administrative.

Regional Development

An activity that is constructive and completes something with the aim of making changes, either specifically or in general. In addition, development can also be interpreted as a movement to maximize a performance that was previousl..

Urban Planning and Management

An effort to process the city plan implementation to achieve city development goals efficiently and effectively. In the process of this effort, of course also wants the optimization of the achievement of goals by going through the ..

Spatial Modeling

The analytical process is carried out in conjunction with a geographic information system (GIS) to describe the basic processes and properties for a set of spatial features.

Area of interest

focus of knowledge aimed at students of the Urban and Regional Planning study program

Message from student

While studying at ITK URP, I gained a lot of new knowledge related to regional planning. One of them is community empowerment related to my current job, namely developing the community's ability to take advantage of the sector they have so as to increase people's income. Of course, with the knowledge that I have gained, it makes it easier for me to identify potential problems in order to maximize the community empowerment that is carried out.

ITK URP Class of 2016, Administration and Empowerment Section, National Land Agency Penajam Paser Utara Office

I could  train myself and also my friends to improve the quality of the cooperation we have. In addition, in this study program I had the opportunity to experience lectures outside the classroom which we usually call surveys. We are also trained to be able to think critically, carefully, and rationally in various ways, as well as how we are able to provide the right solution in a problem ranging from small problems to quite complex problems.

ITK URP Class of 2020

I can study many fields of science such as engineering, social science, economics, environment, and mapping. I was also trained to have teamwork skills. In addition, interacting a lot with various characteristics of the community is very helpful in understanding how to communicate and work with them.

ITK URP Class of 2017

Going through the bachelor period as a Urban and Regional Planning student at Institut Teknologi Kalimantan is an honor for me as well as giving me many valuable new experiences. I was taught a lot of knowledge about planning ranging from social, cultural, economic, political, and many more. This makes me know a little about a lot of things. The knowledge taught is very broad so that there are quite a lot of job prospects for ITK URP graduates. In ITK URP we are also taught how to use good survey techniques and various ways to process and analyze data. In addition, almost all assignments are done in groups which indirectly we learn to train team work and communicate between team members.

ITK URP Class of 2019

At the Kalimantan Institute of Technology, I took the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program. The ITK URP study program learns about planning an area, determining land use, transportation systems, and managing the activities in it. The work prospects of the ITK URP Study Program are numerous, including: construction and building, urban and regional planning, mapping, to architecture. Not only that, the lecturers also helped me to be more courageous in expressing my opinion. The material provided in the learning process is very up to date so that it is useful to add knowledge and insight from theory to application in the field, and the class atmosphere is always lively with interesting discussions.

ITK URP Class of 2021

During studying at PWK ITK, I had so many memorable experiences that I almost never imagined before. Together with the competent and credible lecturers, I was guided to become a broad-minded student. Studying at ITK URP was the right choice for me because i could studied various fields related to planning and development where i could know a little about many things, so that when graduated later  am able to work in various fields related to planning, including social, economic, legal, and development . I had various experiences including participating in the apprenticeship program of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka which is fully supported by the ITK URP study program. Not only hard skills, here I also honed soft skills to become a more critical, communicative, and responsible person.

ITK URP Class of 2018

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program Data

The amount of data in statistical figures related to theUrban and Regional Planning study program.

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Area of Interest








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