Question and answer about things that are still unclear related to theUrban and Regional Planning study program.

Studying at URP does not have to be good at drawing, the important thing is to have a high imagination, strong analytical power and be creative.

There are a variety of job opportunities available to those with a Bachelor of Planology degree. Some of the fields of work that Planology graduates can enter include: Bureaucracy, Civil Servants, Planning Consultants, Academics, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Property Companies.

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Urban and Regional Planning (URP) is also known as the Department of Planning Engineering. This major studies urban and regional planning by considering various aspects including social, economic, and political aspects. We will also be equipped with skills in preparing spatial plans and evaluating various policies and programs related to spatial planning and regional planning.

What distinguishes URP students from other study program students is survey activities where in this activity students are required to collect data related to their assignments by conducting surveys, if in other study programs this data is usually collected through practicum in the laboratory, URP students take data with surveys. The method used is generally direct observation (observation) in the field, interviews, and through questionnaires. Then other academic activities such as presentations and preparation of reports. In the URP study program you will be taught how to conduct good and effective surveys, as well as preparing good and correct reports and presentations. Then non-academic activities which are generally the same as other study programs, namely organizations, interest and talent development activities such as sports or others, and religious activities.

Calculations in URP are not as complex as other engineering study programs, and usually the calculations are assisted by tools for calculations, both applications and simple formulas.

The reason for choosing the URP ITK study program is because there are not many state university that have URP study programs in Indonesia. Currently in East Kalimantan there are only ITK. Also, currently the URP study program at ITK is accredited B. The URP study program not only learns about engineering, but also learns a lot about social science. In the learning process there is a field survey conducted to obtain data, from this field survey many new experiences are obtained.

In URP there are various kinds of knowledge studied by students from engineering, social and economic sciences. In the process of running KBM (Teaching and Learning Activities) starting from the first year students will learn how to have a good planning process, learn the analytical processes needed in planning a city or region. For URP student tasks in general, such as making planning reports, regional identification reports that are group or individual in nature.

The skills that must be mastered when becoming a URP student are being able to master mapping skills, designing city designs, regional analysis, graphic design, public speaking to working well in a team. It continues to be trained in learning and working on the assigned tasks. In addition, by becoming a URP student, you can learn not only engineering, but also socio-cultural science, economics, and geography.