In this study, the authors aims to analyze the level of visitor satisfaction at the Balikpapan Botanical Gardens Tourism Object. This study aims to determine the level of visitor satisfaction based on the factors that influence it and determine the most dominant factor affecting the level of visitor satisfaction. The level of visitor satisfaction is limited to six influencing factors, the view, accessibility/convenience, security or comfort, condition and availability of facilities, road conditions, and information services contained. The method used is descriptive quantitative research method based on data obtained through questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the arithmetic mean quantitative analysis and the results of this study indicate that there are six factors that influence the level of satisfaction of visitors to the Balikpapan Botanical Gardens Tourism Object. The visitor satisfaction level is at a value of 3.89 in the criteria of 3.40 - 4.19 which is included in the satisfied category. The factor of the beauty of the scenery that contributed to the highest level of satisfaction with a value of 4.08. Then the factor of road conditions and access or convenience with a value of 3.9, while the factor that contributed to the lowest level of satisfaction was the factor of security conditions or the comfort of a tourist attraction with a value of 3, 73.