Resilient City is a concept that has a relationship with sustainable development, which is also built on three dimensions of mitigation, adaptation, and response. This concept is closely related to the hazards that will be faced by a city. These hazards can threaten human life and result in damage and loss. One form of hazard is a disaster, in which Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest frequency of disasters in the world. One of the cities with a fairly high risk of disaster is the City of Balikpapan, with disasters such as floods and landslides, abrasions, tornadoes, and forest fires. Balikpapan City is a strategic area for development in East Kalimantan Province, so we need a city planning concept that can be resilient to the disasters it will face. There are efforts to reduce the risk of disasters, using the concept of a resilient city. This research method uses the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis method which is used to analyze the types of priority disasters that will affect the resilience of Balikpapan City. The results obtained are flood disasters which become a priority disaster that affects the resilience of Balikpapan City. The second method is Delphi analysis which is used to analyze the criteria for city resilience needed so that the City of Balikpapan can be resilient to flood disasters. The results obtained are criteria for health aspects, infrastructure aspects, strategic aspects, and socio-cultural aspects of society.