Kampung Atas Air Manggar is one of the traditional settlements that has been protected and preserved in Balikpapan. Based on the characteristics of the building, economic activities, geographical location and homogeneity, Kampung Atas Air Manggar has special social characteristics. The environmental factor affects the chances of human life based on social networks and different spatial factor. Physically, Kampung Atas Air Manggar has similar characteristics to a slum riverside area. However, the difference in economic activities that has been dominated by fishery activities in the downstream of the Manggar River becomes the purpose of this study. This study aims to analyze the typology of the social structure of stakeholder communities in Kampung Atas Air Manggar. This study used social network analysis by density and centrality measurement. The results of this study indicates that the density level affects the flow of resources can only be conveyed directly quickly at less than 20% at the RT level. The role of the central figure should be higher to influences the flow of information as an element of social capital. The typology of social networks is relatively low and also seen in the use of residential spaces that are dominated by the routine activities of fishermen, traders, and residents. Optional activities and social activities are limited and influenced by a low social network affiliation.