Disasters are actually just ordinary natural phenomena. But it becomes a problem when the impact then interferes with human activities. In order to minimize risks arising from disasters, disaster education is needed from an early age. Education and debriefing are needed so that the community can recognize the dangers that may threaten so that they can be prepared to reduce the risks caused. Departing from this urgency, the Faculty of National Security at Universitas Pertahanan together with the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning at Institut Teknologi Kalimantan provided training and debriefing to students of SMKN 4 Balikpapan. The activity went very well with the combined speakers of ITK and Universitas Pertahanan students. The activity was attended and monitored directly by the Dean of the Faculty of National Security Universitas Pertahanan, Rear Admiral Dr. Siswo Hadi Sumantri and his staff, including First Admiral Dr. Edi Suhardono, M.AP. and Colonel I Dewa Ketut Widana. Meanwhile from ITK, was represented by Mr. Umar Mustofa, M.Sc. and Mrs. Oryza Lhara Sari, M.T. Hopefully this activity will be one of the ways of friendship and good cooperation between ITK and the Defense University and the community in general.